Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Back on the Bandwagon

Needless to say, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. 
2018 was a very challenging year for me, and as a result, doing blog posts just didn't hit my radar.
Now here we are in 2019, and I do plan to get back on this pony.
One new thing of note: we have invested in two golf simulators here at Victoria Park East, and we're "dipping our toes" into the waters of the indoor golf market. Here's a picture of one of the units:
We actually had these installed in November, but it was a slow start due to the fact that we had to put the units in our banquet hall (not enough height clearance in our lounge).So, when we have a banquet, we would partially dis-assemble the units and draw a curtain in front of them.
Now that we're passed Christmas Party season, the simulators are available for play a lot more.
They are quite fun to play, and the graphics are amazing. This is a sample "fly-by" of the first hole at Mauna Kea Resort, one of the 23 courses you can play:
The other notable thing we did in 2018 was pave the cart paths at the East course. This is an improvement that we've been planning for a number of years... and we finally did it! No more pot holes, dust, skidding, mud, etc. We just have to finish some landscaping beside the paved paths, and that will happen this year.
Let's hope for an early spring (not like 2018), and in the meantime, come and try out the simulators!

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