Thursday, April 26, 2012

Scenes from a Fire

Probably not what you'd expect to see at the entrance to a new golf course! Last Sunday, April 22, Puslinch Fire Department did a controlled burn of the old (Paul) Valeriote house, on the property of what is now Victoria Park Valley Golf Club. This was, of course, all pre-arranged. Local residents were notified of the early-morning firefighter practice session and eventual burn, but the significant smoke cloud drew a crowd of curious onlookers from miles around.
The area has since been cleared by heavy equipment, and Valley owner Ted DeCorso plans to build a house on (roughly) the same spot.

From left to right: Dan Berdusco, Ted DeCorso, David DeCorso, and Jason Sewell paused for a quick photo op, just as the Puslinch Firefighters began to douse the burn. David is Victoria Park Valley's General Manager, and Jason is the Superintendent.
Victoria Park Valley Golf Club will open on Saturday April 28... come hell, high water or fire!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Victoria Park Valley Website

Woops, forgot to put this in my last post: the direct link to Victoria Park Valley's website:

"Are we there yet?"

Like kids on a long car trip, we're being asked all the time about the opening of our new Victoria Park Valley Golf Club. Well kids, we're alomst there!

  1. Saturday April 28 will be the inaugural day of golf, with the members getting first crack at the tee times. The public will be able to play in the afternoon.

  2. Friday May 18 there will be an "Invitation Only" luncheon and ribbon-cutting ceremony.

  3. Saturday May 19 is our "Grand Opening Day", all invited, from 11:00 until 4:00. There will be lots of activities planned for the whole family, with proceeds going to the Guelph Wish Fund for Children.

The golf course will open with 18 of the 27 holes, with the last 9 ready for play early in June. More details will be forth-coming!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Public Mens League

Victoria Park East and the new Victoria Park Valley are starting a Public Mens Golf League. It will run on Thursdays beginning May 17, for 16 weeks - 8 games at each course. It will be a 9-hole format, and golfers of all skill levels are invited to apply. Click this link to download a brochure with all the details and an application: or call the Pro Shop at (519) 821-2211. Spread the word!